John Edward's show is carefully edited to make him look good. He also has production assistants planted throughout the audience to gather clues. On live talk shows he runs about 30%, which is about what anyone could do guessing. He's very good at what he does. He puts on a really good show.
Check out his website; he schedules appointments a YEAR in advance and it costs big $$$$ to get a private reading. He and his wife also offer fabulous island getaways where they claim to be able to teach YOU to talk to your dead by taking their 'seminars'...and it ain't cheap! As most of us know too well, it's pretty easy to manipulate a willing person, thus cult membership of all kinds; the vacation seminar thing is near-genius in its use of psychological control techniques in a closed setting.
If I had a year to do some basic research, I could give you an astoundingly accurate reading, too! I could take you to a fabulous relaxing fun place and convince you of something you want to believe anyway. Anyone with a basic grasp of behavior modification techniques and sideshow psychic tricks could do what Edward does. The thing that sets him apart is his ability to convince even himself that what he's doing is somehow 'supernatural'.
Edward is a student of Sylvia Brown, another fabulously pricey psychic prostitute.
Beware, beware of those who want to SELL you their 'ability to communicate with the dead'.
Two equally true statements follow:
When the dead talk, they talk to John Edward.
The dead don't talk.
Caveat emptor,
Mommie Dark